photographer shields himself from the rain in Sapa, northern Vietnam

8 More Photography Quotes That Inspire Me

Photography has nothing to do with cameras.

Love this one from Gentry. Yes, just forget about your cameras and bits of equipment. Just produce.

All photographs are accurate. None of them is truth.

I never see or saw photography as the truth. Yes, photographs record certain moments, and are accurate at that time. But things are always changing so a photograph taken “then” can never truly represent the “now”.

The dog is the perfect portrait subject. He doesn’t pose. He isn’t aware of the camera.

What can I say here? Portraits can be hard work. Animals aren’t that easy either.

The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.

Yes, where we come from and what we believe are very important factors in what we take pictures of.

Saigon Bridge 1955
by Ernst Haas (CC BY 2.0)

Photography is the simplest thing in the world, but it is incredibly complicated to make it really work.

 I like this quote from Martin Parr and yes, photography looks easy at the beginning but the more you do the more you find how difficult it can be to get great photos.

I think of photography like therapy.

I love Harry Gruyaert colour photography. This quote really resonates with me. I’m never at my happiest when I’ve just photographed in the street.

Contrast is what makes photography interesting.

A very simple quote here and my take on this is vary your stories, your subjects and try to make things as interesting as you can.

I use my camera like I use my toothbrush, it does the job...

Simple enough here, don’t get caught up with cameras and technical talk of photography.

U.S. Marine medic rushing a wounded two-year-old child, caught in the crossfire, from the battle. Tet offensive, Hue, Vietnam, 1968
by Don McCullin (CC BY 2.0)

The photograph itself doesn’t interest me. I want only to capture a minute part of reality.

Bresson was obsessed about detail so much so that he forgot about the what he was taking to look for the smallest of details in people and things.

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